Survivor, Sleaze Edition?
Mud wrestling with half naked men and women, but mostly women, in the reward challenge tonight.
Ashley Massaro, Erik Huffman, Sherea Lloyd and Dave Cruser, during the reward challenge,”Chinese Checkers.” Photo: Monty Brinton/CBS
In fact, make that bare-breasted women. Amanda, who lost her top, got it right when she said, “My mom is going to kill me!.”
Before going on, I’d like to make a shameless plug for my vodcast on the breast issue on SueTube.
Moving on, we had the first alliance formed on the Fei Long clan with Amanda, Aaron and Todd. Todd seems to be getting the vote of confidence in the tribe.
Amanda Kimmel, Todd Herzog and Aaron Reisberger team up. Monty Brinton/CBS
After Leslie got the clue from “kidnapped” Jamie about where to find the immunity idol, she immediately told Todd so he would help her.
How can these people trust the Todd???
But perhaps the best quote of the night was when lazy snore-boy Jean-Robert explained that he may not do much physical work, but “I contribute with my mind.”
Oh, and I kissed my five bucks good-bye tonight when Ashleygot tossed.
Ashley Massaro just couldn’t stop feuding with Dave, and it got her booted.
Will said,
September 28, 2007 at 10:09 am
Poor survivor never learned the lesson of stopping while you are ahead. I am honestly hoping this show follows other such fantastic reality shows as The Benefactor and the Pirate Survivor show and gets cancelled before subjecting faithful fans to an entire season of this foolishness. Where is Richard Hatch when you need him??
Kate said,
October 9, 2007 at 6:25 am
Well, I believe that Dave is doing his best to fill Richard’s shoe’s . Since that is all he feels he he should ware during challenges. Are clothes optional?