“Heroes: Fight or Flight”
Seeing Kristen Bell on “Heroes” tonight was electrifying.
OK, that was cheap thrill, but discovering K-Bell’s special power allows her to shoot bolts of electricity through her hands was, as she said in an interview last week, pretty cool.
Her character’s got some problems distinguishing right from wrong. Here’s a primer: helping people is good, frying them is bad. She just had to cook the truth out of Peter’s pal. And it was all for nothing, because “daddy” called her home before she could seal the deal with Peter.
So who do you think “daddy” is? It couldn’t be HRG. Or could it?
At least we won’t have to listen to those obnoxiously bad Irish accents any more now that Peter’s on his way to Montreal to find out more about his past.
Talk about Daddy Dearest. Welcome to your worst nightmare: That your papa is a real boogeyman out to trap you in your own mind.
Luckily, Matt Parkman inherited his old man’s mind power, but not his Satan-worthy evil twist. Makes Sylar look like just a nasty bully in comparison. Parkman’s pops tried trapping his own son in a field of nightmares, but Parkman was able to wake up _ and roust Nathan as well.
So if Parkman can make Nathan snap out of it, why can’t he rescue little Molly from her nocturnal prison? Guess we’ll have to wait until next week.
Dino-Ray said,
October 24, 2007 at 12:21 pm
I thought Heroes was starting to catch my interest. Now it’s starting to lose me. First off, Kristen Bell is cute and all, but her attempt to be all badass is annoying. She looks so goody-goody that it doesn’t play well. I like the whole concept of the “copycat” but I am losing interest fast — and don’t even get me started on Peter’s adventures in Ireland. I am waiting from the Lucky Charms fellow to come out and a gush of Irish Spring soap water to drown them all. Then there are the wonder twins, Hiro’s Japanese time travel adventures…is there anything else I am missing? Apparently not. A lot of this is getting uninteresting really fast. Throw me a bone guys! I want to maintain my interest HEROES.