CBS Reaches out to Jericho Rangers
Let’s face it. “Jericho” was a ratings-challenged and when it came back last summer, the numbers didn’t get much better.
But CBS still believes that if those “Jericho” Rangers can rally enough support to bring it back, they can collect enough viewers to keep it on the air.
Thanks to Ranger Jonathan Whitesell for passing this along:
Dear Rangers,
We have some exciting news and wanted you to hear it first. Later today we will announce Jericho’s return to CBS’s primetime schedule. Seven new episodes will be broadcast on Tuesdays at 10:00 PM, ET/PT beginning Feb. 12.
We hope you will rally around the new episodes of Jericho with the same passion and volume you displayed this summer to bring the show back. The writers and producers have crafted an exciting second season that picks up immediately following the battle with New Bern, as the town begins the rebuilding process, and along the way discovers why their small community is so important to the newly formed government, and what the true intentions of this new government might be.
In success, there is the potential for more Jericho, but we will need your help to recruit new viewers. For your friends or family who have never seen the show, the entire first season can be seen on, or on the recently released Season One DVD set.
On behalf of everyone at CBS, thank you for your continued support of Jericho.
Nina Tassler
President, CBS Entertainment