KTVU Announces Dennis Richmond’s Retirement
The worst-kept secret in local TV history is now out in the open: KTVU-Channel 2’s veteran anchor Dennis Richmond will retire in May.
Although it hasn’t been a secret – Dennis Richmond himself has told people for almost two years about his plans – the station has been reluctant to make a public statement until now.
Today, the silence was broken and a full announcement made on the KTVU Web site There’s also a nice slide show on Dennis’ career.
“KTVU has always been one of the most respected TV news organizations in the country and I feel honored to be part of it for so long. It is gratifying to be trusted enough by Bay Area viewers to be welcomed into their homes each night,” said KTVU Anchor Dennis Richmond.
“Dennis is an icon. He has a presence that demands attention and respect. His anchoring has always been the perfect match for KTVU Channel 2 News,” said KTVU Vice President and General Manager Tim McVay, “As a working journalist, Dennis is the pinnacle of objectivity and fairness. When you watch him anchor, you know you’re getting the real news. He has never let his feelings or opinions drift into the stories he delivers. Dennis and his style of delivery has defined KTVU for decades.”
Richmond will continue to co-anchor the KTVU Channel 2 News at 6 and The Ten o’Clock News on KTVU Channel 2 until May 21, 2008. Richmond started at KTVU on April 29, 1968 and has anchored The Ten o’Clock News on KTVU since 1976.
“I drove with a friend out to California in January 1968 with $400 in my pocket. I had recently finished a three year hitch in the Army and didn’t have a clear idea what I wanted to do,” said Richmond. “I had some family and friends in the Bay Area and didn’t know where I was going to stay, but I knew I needed to find a job.”
He landed at KTVU as a part-time clerk typist. By 1969, Richmond was a full-time reporter and he was covering the Bay Area’s biggest news stories, including some with national attention.
“We had a great opportunity competing against the networks on some big stories back then,” said Richmond. “Patty Hearst’s kidnapping, the Zebra Killings, Dan White’s shooting of Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk; they were all high profile stories where the networks threw an army at us, but KTVU was scrappy and we scored some terrific wins with our coverage. Those were exciting times.”
While Richmond has vivid memories of his street reporting days, his decades of anchoring The Ten o’Clock News on KTVU Channel 2 has set him apart from others in the industry. He has delivered steady anchoring while being an eyewitness to history as he led KTVU’s coverage of the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake, the Oakland Hills Fire, and field anchoring political conventions.
“Dennis is the ironman of the anchor desk at KTVU. It has been an honor penciling his name in the line-up each night. He’s been at KTVU for 40 years, but he could keep going for another decade if he wanted. He’s so strong; it’s hard to believe he’s retiring. We’d love to keep Dennis at KTVU forever and he knows that,” said KTVU News Director Ed Chapuis.
“I wish it wasn’t true. Dennis’s departure from the anchor chair will mark the end of an era in Bay Area television news. He is the ultimate pro and a good friend. What viewers don’t see every night is his compassion for people and his huge heart,” said KTVU co-anchor Julie Haener. “It has been a pleasure and an honor to co-anchor the evening news with him. There will never be another like Dennis.”
Being the anchor of the Bay Area’s top-rated newscast for decades has brought Richmond attention, but he is quick to point out that he’s only part of a winning team. “What we do every day at KTVU is truly a team effort. It wouldn’t exist without everyone here pushing in the same direction. I could not do this without the support of my co-workers. This is not an individual effort. We have a great team here at KTVU and I am happy to be a part of it.”
During Richmond’s tenure he has received a plethora of awards including several Emmy and Radio-Television News Director Association Awards.
In 1999, Richmond received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society of Professional Journalists. He was elected into the National Association of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS) Silver Circle in 1994. Three years ago, he also received the Bay Area Black Journalists Association (BABJA) Journalist of the Year Award. In 2005, The Radio-Television News Directors Association awarded a national Edward R. Murrow Award for best large market newscast in America to The Ten o’Clock News on KTVU Channel 2 which was anchored by Richmond.
“Dennis is as much of a leader in the newsroom as he is on-air. There is a side of Dennis that viewers don’t see, but his co-workers do and they love him for it. He has a fiery competitiveness. But ‘getting it right’ has always been the most important thing for him,” said KTVU Ten o’Clock News Executive Producer Mike Kelly. “Dennis is a legend in the KTVU newsroom for his attention to factual accuracy, his detailed editing of scripts, and his probing questions in editorial meetings. He is a leader in the KTVU newsroom in every sense of the word.”
Even with all the journalistic awards and recognitions, Richmond says he most appreciated being recognized by viewers. Over the years he has been named the best Bay Area television anchor in the reader’s polls of the San Francisco Chronicle, Oakland Tribune, The Bay Guardian and San Francisco Weekly. “Feedback from viewers, which is unsolicited, is what is most important,” said Richmond. “It means a lot to me and I will miss it.”
Richmond has been recognized, saluted and honored by many civic organizations. He is the recipient of the Humanitarian Award of Oakland, the highest honor given in the city. He was honored as the Good Scout of the Year by the San Francisco Bay Area Council, Boy Scouts of America in 2004. He is a member of the board of directors of the Child Abuse Consortium which is a statewide agency and has been the Chairperson of the YMCA fundraising drive for Alameda County.
Looking down the road at what life will be like in retirement, Richmond says, “I do know that I’m going to relax and get my golf handicap down. I might write a book, but it will definitely be fiction. My life in news has all been about the facts. So, I’m looking forward to making some stuff up.”
David Llamas said,
January 16, 2008 at 11:11 pm
I grew up watching Dennis Richmond since I was a young boy required to keep up on current events for school. I came to appreciate the news and more importantly, sincerely appreciate the straight forward and steady reporting style of Dennis and the the team. Straight facts with no sensationalism. Dennis Richmond has set a powererful and honest example for not only the bay area, but for the worldwide TV News Industry as a whole.
Best of luck and Thank You for your many years that you’ve given us your best Dennis!
Dave Jackson said,
January 17, 2008 at 11:09 am
You have been respected by all I know. I applaud your sincerity and community involvement. You have been a great role model for many and I enjoyed all of your broadcasts. I can’t believe you’ve been at it 40 years.
Best wishes,
Patricia White said,
January 18, 2008 at 11:48 am
Mr. Richmond
I started watching you on KTVU in 1968 I was a sophomore attending Oakland High School and I said to myself what a strong looking black man and what a role model you are for young black man back then and now.
Watching you now for over 40 years, wow I can not believe it has been that long ; has been a privilege and a pleasure. I wish you only the best and hate to see you leave. God Bless you and your family and Mr. Richmond thank you for being a part of history in the bay area and putting Oakland on the map it’s because of you I watched KTVU over the years.You will be soley missed it will be hard to replace you. Oh my God I could go on and on but take care and enjoy your retirement –don’t forget you can do some special reports on KTVU every now and then. A loyal viewer, Patricia
Jim Hildreth said,
January 18, 2008 at 8:59 pm
Mr Richmond- You have been an inspiration, your delivery of the news has been professional and you are valued and respected. You will be missed and with a new chapter in your life, I wish you the best in writing and enjoying your retirement.
A long term KTVU 10:00 pm News Junkie from Sonora.
January 19, 2008 at 4:02 pm
Even when John Sasaki did a good job subbing for Dennis Richmond, I really missed hearing the soothing voice and admiring the professional manner of Mr. Richmond’s reporting when he was out for an operation. Now with the announcement of Mr.
Richmond’s retirement, I am really trying to face the absence of one of the best
newspeople on TV. Channel 2 must be very proud of the association it has had over the years with Mr. Richmond and I wish the best for Mr. Richmond…relaxed retire-ment after so many years of serving the people of the Bay Area. Thank you, Mr.
Richmond. Jean Kido, Fremont, CA
Ana said,
January 20, 2008 at 12:04 pm
Congratulations! Growing up in the Bay Area, the only news my parents ever watched was the 10 O’clock news with Dennis. Naturally, I continued to watch the 10 O’clock news as a young adult through college, and moving on my own. Two years ago, I relocated out of state, and have NEVER found any news anhcor like Dennis! I have missed him so much. Each chance I can get back to the Bay I look forward to watching him. I also go to KTVU.com to watch any clips!
Dennis has made a great impression on my life, and I wish him the best! Enjoy life and take care of yourself!! You will never be forgotten!
You will be dearly missed!
SummerBabee72 said,
January 21, 2008 at 10:08 am
I’m 35 yrs old and I have literally been watching Dennis Richmond ALL my life. I can’t imagine the Ten O’clock News without him. I’m not sure if I will want to watch because no one delivers the news the way he does.
I wish him the best in life, health and retirement. ENJOY! You deserve it! YOU WILL BE MISSED!
Beatrice Lewis said,
January 23, 2008 at 8:36 pm
Hi Dennis,
I have been watching KTVU Channel 2 News since 1966 and have watched you grow into a handsome, strong, wonderful, mature gentleman. You are truly a great impression to the Bay Area of Black man. It has been a joy watching you.
Good luck and a happy, healthy and long fun retirement.
You will be missed. Such an outstanding job you have done with the news
Thank you for it all, and God bless.
Lana K. Wilson-Combs said,
January 24, 2008 at 2:03 pm
Dear Mr. Richmond:
While attending San Francisco State University as a Radio/TV/journalism major from 1980-81, I rarely missed your KTVU broadcasts. Your professionalism and love of the community was so genuine and resonated with so many viewers. Forty years is a long time to be in one place. That speaks volumes of your enormous talents and the respect the station and industry has for you.
I wish you the best. And if you ever want to do some special assignment reporting, we’d love to see you on tube here in Sacramento. But if not, relax and enjoy your retirement. You’ve earned it!
Stay Classy,
Phil and Siggie Stillman said,
January 25, 2008 at 5:36 pm
We are happy for you in your retirement but we will miss you so much! We both grew up watching your superb reporting and even when we left the Bay Area, we subscribed to Channel 2 just so we could watch you on the 10:00 News. You are the greatest reporter we have ever seen. Thanks so much for your hard work, objectivity and your great personality which comes across in every broadcast.
Siggie here…yes, we will miss you! There is nothing like your clear voice of reason to cut through the tripe that passes as “news” in these trying times. I hope great things for you – a rest from the daily-ness of keeping your schedule and unstructured time at last to pursue your interests outside of “work.”
Heartfelt thanks from us both and many blessings in your retirement,
Phil and Siggie
jevon said,
January 27, 2008 at 8:11 am
i grew up watch dennis on the news at 10
he was a great news man and he teacher i know we the whole bay will miss him well take care and have fun
Kent Sharrar said,
January 27, 2008 at 5:02 pm
I was invited to the studio in 1976 (at age 10) to watch the news being broadcast. You and Judd Hambrick and Pat McCormick were all the consummate hosts. I no longer live in the Bay Area – but yet want you to know that your presence will be missed when I visit home.
Betty said,
February 23, 2008 at 10:05 pm
You are synonymous with news as kleenex is to tissue. I do not get to watch TV too much these days but when I do, I always am brought back to KTVU because of you. You have been the strong constant all these years and everything that everyone else has expressed I absolutely ditto. I wish you all the best though for selfish reasons I wish it weren’t true.
I’ve watched you all my life and I will surely miss seeing and hearing you. Take care and THANK YOU!
Your loyal viewer