Survivor: Micronesia: Jonny “Quitter” Fairplay

It was so game on from the beginning when our own favorite Survivor, Yau Man Chan from Martinez, literally took down Jonny Fairplay to snag the immunity idol.

Immunity Idols love Yau Man, the guy who came up with both idols last time he played. When Fairplay stupidly found the first idol, on the wrong boat, he turned to correct his mistake. But a flying tackle send Fairplay into the side of the boat while Yau Man came up with the prize.

You go, Man.

We didn’t see much of Emeryville’s Mary Sartain, a real estate/financial company owner.

Although she did a Playboy-style pose for the publicity shots for “Survivor: Micronesia.”

Now, I have to be happy that Fairplay appears to be the guy everyone wants on their team. After all, who wouldn’t want to go up against him in the finals? I like having Fairplay in the running because he gives good game. OK, time to confess: I also have him in the department pool and I could really use some money.

Jonny Fairplay, the rat-faced weasel who made me lose the “Survivor: Micronesia” pool.

Wait, that was what Fairplay said about having a stable relationship and a baby on the way. But my favorite quote from him was when everyone was vying for his participation in their various alliances:

“I find it insane that there are nine of your favorite survivors of all time and they all believe what I say,” Fairplay tells the camera. “Have you not watched the show before?”

The favorites proved that experience pays off when it comes to working together to make camp. They have a great shelter, know how to get food and fire. But what they lack is the knack for winning challenges.

In the immunity challenge, which consisted of putting together puzzle pieces to make the wheels on a cart, then taking the cart through an obstacle course and finally putting the wheel pieces back in another puzzle, was won by the fans.

For a brief, shining moment, I thought that my man Fairplay was going to be in the game. Then, he went insane. He started telling people he wanted to go home to his pregnant girlfriend, to spend time with her and his baby. He wanted to be a good dad more than he wanted to play the game.

Fairplay and his fiance, Michelle Deighton, who was an America’s Next Top Model finalist, became parents on Jan. 16 when daughter, Piper Addison was born. Seems like Piper would have liked to have a little cash in the piggy bank instead of a legacy of having a dad who was a quitter.

Fairplay didn’t quit to be a good dad. What he wanted was to change his image to become more commercial. What he wanted to do was bail while he still could be seen as a nice guy, and not the weasel everyone remembers from his previous “Survivor” appearance.

What he wanted was to screw me out of the “Survivor” pool. Good riddance, JP. Now I’ll stick with the locals, Mary on the Fav side and Yau Man, who deserves more than anyone to win this time around.

My man Yau Man, with dirty skunk Fairplay slinking around the background in this shot from “Survivor: Micronesia.”


  1. Fairplay said,

    February 9, 2008 at 6:03 pm

    hey susan, i’d like to say that i’m glad u lost your office pool and that you put the C in CUNT!


    jonny fairplay
    and YES this is really ME!

    ask yau-man he knows my email!!!

  2. Susan Young said,

    February 9, 2008 at 6:47 pm

    Nice, Fairplay.
    So, why DID you quit? You could have gone pretty far in the competition with those alliances and instead, it just seems like – as Sonja says – that you planned all along just to grab the easy money and get out.

  3. Will said,

    February 9, 2008 at 7:55 pm

    Fairplay? Is this a joke? How do you dispute your sissy actions by quitting like that? Boo hoo, I wanna be a good daddy…blah blah blah. Hey did the baby sneak up on you? Did you make a commitment to play or did you pull the Survivor move of lying to the producers about how you were gonna give it your all?

    You are typical “reality” show trash and your comment does nothing to contradict that. Maybe you can get a stint on the Surreal Life…on second thought they wouldn’t take you either.

    Jonny Fairplay putting the R in Rat since 1999…

    Sue, I have a new pool:

    $20 buy in and we get weeks before Jonny’s almost Top Model g/f leaves him with the baby and demands the leftovers from the appearance fee. Max is only 8 weeks so get in soon!

  4. gg mason said,

    February 11, 2008 at 9:29 am

    Fairplay quit??? Awesome, I was boycotting the show when I heard that loser was cast now I can watch it again. Thanks for being a quitter FP, I’m looking forward to enjoying the show again.

  5. anonymous said,

    February 21, 2008 at 7:23 am

    boo for fairplay quitting, even though he was a douche on his last survivor, he was a fun douche. i rooted for him all the way, and was rooting for him still. sad to see fairplay go

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