Amy Sedaris Makes Us Laugh
“You guys look so weird.”
Thanks Amy. Amy’s at the January gathering of TV writers in L.A. to chat about her latest project, “Make ’em Laugh: The Funny Business of America” that airs on Jan. 14 on PBS. She’s being asked about hosting a late night show.
She says nobody asked. Hard to believe, but hey, if she says so, I believe her. Now someone wants her take on the future of comedy.
“I don’t think about (comedy), I don’t look at the big picture. Guess I’m the wrong person to ask,” Amy says. “Where do you think comedy is going?”
We think it’s going pretty well with Amy up on stage, making crusty critics giggle. She says she finally got a computer about four years ago because she needed help with her beloved rabbit and nothing was open.
“Now I can go to iChat and hold my rabbit up and say, ‘See this scab? What does it mean?’ ” Sedaris says. “I’m getting there. I’m getting there.”
She says she knows about the Web site amysedarisrocks, but she doesn’t go it because “what if I see something and get upset?”
But she doesn’t think the woman who does the site, Katie, would write anything bad about her.
“She likes me so she’s probably writing nice things,” Amy says. “But I still don’t go on the site and read things. If I wanted to read things about me, I’d go in a bathroom stall.”
Oh Amy, you make me laugh so.
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