AI no longer a singing competition
If “American Idol” was really a singing competition, then Sanjaya would have gotten the boot tonight.
His performance on Tuesday of “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” wasn’t even good enough for an elementary school talent contest. When he reached up high and squatted down low, it’s was cookie-tossin’ time.
So who got bumped tonight?
The bottom three were called out: Sanjaya, Phil and Brandon.
We had no problem with the voters’ bottom three until the person being elminated was called out and it was Brandon.
Well, at least Sanjaya didn’t forget the words the way Brandon did on Tuesday. Brandon was one of the early bright lights who dimmed significantly as he constantly made poor song choices.
Good-bye Brandon. Would that it was Sanjaya we were bidding adieu.
jk said,
March 14, 2007 at 9:25 pm
when sanjaya pulls a richard jeni, america will be to blame.
he was clearly dejected walking back to the couches.
Susan said,
March 14, 2007 at 11:24 pm
Well, if Sanjaya ever gets to cut an album, he can use Jeni’s title: A Big Steaming Pile of Me
Kim said,
March 16, 2007 at 1:19 pm
I can’t believe that even with this week’s ultra-creepy ‘do, Sanjaya still made it through! I couldn’t even watch his performance…thank goodness for fast-forward on the DVR…because that hair was just weirding me OUT. I agree, Brandon has dimmed, but at least he was a realistic contender…not an alien experiment.
And P.S., Phil, please grow some hair. The Billy Corgan look doesn’t become you.