Walnut Creek Bachelorette
The 25 bachelorettes hoping to lasso rich Texan Brad Womack were revealed today, and one of them is from Walnut Creek.
Sheena, 23, is an internet marketing executive who wasn’t in the promos for the show, which begins at 9:30 Monday (Sept. 24) on ABC.
SHEENA got a picture on the ABC site. Does that mean she’s in the 15?
They do, however, mention an eye-catching beauty who has a secret past, an outspoken vixen dubbed “McNasty” and a devout Christian woman who is also a streaker.
The 90-minute opener cuts the herd down from 25 women to just 15 potential soul mates. In the premiere, one introduces herself in Greek, two talk freak sports injuries, an acupuncturist diagnoses him by examining his tongue and a news anchor decides to interview the bachelor in order to wow him.
And one shows off her webbed toes. Creepy.
The 25 women are:
Bettina, 27, a realtor who currently resides in Washington, DC.
DeAnna, 25, a realtor who currently resides in Neunan, GA.
Erin, 25, a publishing sales executive who currently resides in Tampa, FL.
Estefania, 26, an executive assistant who currently resides in Atlanta, GA.
Hillary, 27, a registered nurse who currently resides in Philadelphia, PA.
Jade, 24, a boutique sales worker who currently resides in Nashville, TN.
Jenni, 27, a Phoenix Suns cheerleader who currently resides in Wichita, KS.
Jessica, 27, a news anchor who currently resides in Lady Lake, FL.
Juli, 24, a law student who currently resides in Chicago, IL.
Kim, 31, a realtor who currently resides in Woodbridge, CT.
Kristy, 29, an acupuncturist, who currently resides in Chicago, IL.
Lindsey, 25, a model who currently resides in Livania, MI.
Lori, 33, a biology teacher who currently resides in Annapolis, MD.
Mallory, 24, a nanny who currently resides in Honolulu, HI.
Melissa, 28, an event planner who currently resides in Westchester, NY.
McCarten, 26, an account manager who currently resides in San Diego, CA.
Michele, 30, a realtor who currently resides in South Brunswick, NJ.
Morgan, 24, a graduate student who currently resides in Tempe, AZ.
Natalie, 25, a law student who currently resides in Duncanville, TX.
Rigina, 31, an account representative who currently resides in San Diego, CA.
Sarah, 23, a bar manager who currently resides in O’Fallon, IL.
Sheena, 23, an internet marketing executive who currently resides in Walnut Creek, CA.
Solisa, 25, an esthetician who currently resides in Georgetown, TX.
Susan, 35, a project analyst who currently resides in St. Charles, IL.
Tauni, 31, an ER nurse who currently resides in St. Louis Park, MN.