More Mark Curtis/Dave Clark reader comments
It’s 2008, and time to clear out the emails:
Miss Young:
I disagree with your viewers who say that Dave Clark (of KTVU) sucks! Or whatever silly word was used to
describe Mr. Clark. He is well qualified with a lot of experience! I think most of the Bay Area viewers are borderline racist! They only tolerate Dennis Richmond as a main anchor…there are no others! As for Mark C., I was an intern there 8 years ago when he would sub or work as a morning reporter! He was a jerk! He arrived there from his DC post in ’98 or ’99! He has not been at KTVU for 14 years! That is a lie!
And here’s another email from a reader:
While I am not sure why Mark Curtis has been demoted, it does no matter, what is ironic is that you would demote what seems to be a light hearted individual and continue to inflict pain..forcing us to watch Dennis. So why are more people are choosing the internet, CNN and radio for their news choices? We hear personality and do not have to see pancake make-up!
Another Oakland viewer, back to ABC
Gail Cooks said,
January 1, 2008 at 1:02 pm
I guess that wasn’t the comment that you wanted your readers to view.
Phillip said,
January 2, 2008 at 4:02 pm
I am sorry to loose Mark Curtis. I wish there was somewhere that I could EM to let KTVU know that I am a daily watcher from 6:30 AM to 9:00 AM and I am very disappointed is his dismissal. He is affable knowledgeable and I really like him.
Frank Penna said,
January 9, 2008 at 1:28 pm
Sue Young- Will A&E carry year 6 of The Sopranos?
Frank Penna
Bizz said,
July 8, 2008 at 7:26 pm
My uncle Dave Clark is an excellent, i mean absoulutley excellent news anchor he does not suck at all. Don’t talk about people you know nothing about. He has many years of working experience in the business.