Seinfeld Back on NBC

The former King of Thursday comedies gives “30 Rock” a boost at 8:30 p.m. Oct. 4 in the show’s season opener that has conniving network head Jack (Alec Baldwin) digitally inserting Jerry Seinfeld into the network’s fall shows to goose up the sagging ratings.

Seinfeld finally agrees, but not before getting in plenty of plugs for his new animated film, “Bee Movie,” including a breaking-the-fourth-wall moment when he reminds us it opens on Nov. 2.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

When Seinfeld was in San Francisco last week hawking the movie _ complete with a bee-decorated trolley car and a yellow carpet arrival _ he says he still has a soft spot for his old network.

“What are they in, like, fourth place? I still love them,’’ Seinfeld says.

So why is it so hard for NBC and the other networks to capture the comedy magic?

“People sometimes are a little overconfident in what it takes to make a good show,” Seinfeld says. “ I remember when Larry (David) and I were doing the show, and we’d hear that some successful producers were signed to put two more on the air. We’d scratch our heads. Two? It was impossible just to do one.”


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