Dennis Richmond Back, Mark Curtis Reporting
Dennis Richmond is back at his desk, and the people at KTVU couldn’t be any happier.
Dennis returned on Friday to anchor the 6 and 10 p.m. newscasts.
“I watched him and thought he was back 100 percent (after his neck surgery),” KTVU-Channel 2 news director Ed Chapuis says. “He looks good and his voice is strong.”
Dennis said in an interview with Alameda Magazine back in 2006 that he was looking at spring 2008 as a target date and that doesn’t seem to be changing although Ed says nothing new has been announced.
“Look, we all retire at some point,” Ed says. ” But we haven’t made a statement about Dennis yet.”
As for Mark Curtis, who was ousted as the early morning anchor at KTVU in favor of L.A. anchor Dave Clark, Ed says he hopes viewers will give Dave a chance.
“Mark has made the transition from anchoring to reporting. He’s still working here at KTVU and still using his skills to the best advantage,” Ed says. “Dave Clark just started last Thursday and has only been on for four mornings so far. I think he looks terrific and like a part of the team.”
Ed says he understands that viewers might not like the change, but it was done in an effort to improve the newscast.
“If you are watching KTVU news, you see a lot of people who have been here a long time,” Ed says. “I think we do the best job of covering local news in the Bay Area, but we are always looking for ways to improve our coverage and that includes adding people who have the experience and the level of quality of a Dave Clark.”
Jan Boehmer said,
November 7, 2007 at 9:56 am
I’m so sorry to see that Mark Curtis is no longer on the morning news. I thought he was excellent.
Lorrie Thomas said,
November 7, 2007 at 6:36 pm
I actually like Dave Clark. I find him to be a refreshing addition to the
morning news. Hopefully, KTVU will keep him.
Jeffery Hunter said,
November 7, 2007 at 8:46 pm
I’ve been away from the bayarea for twelve years living in Missouri, but have always tried to keep up w/what’s been going on back home. I’m glad to hear that Mr. Richmond is recovering well, and wish him all the best. He was a motivating force in my decision to go into broadcasting. Continued good health to you Mr. Richmond.
Leigh Davis said,
November 8, 2007 at 9:29 am
I lived in San Leandro for many years and enjoyed watching the news. I once worked at a convenience store in Castro Valley (1984 or 1985) and had the pleasure of meeting Dennis. He was a very nice man and a gentleman that his mother would have been proud of. I now live in Florida but my mother still lives on Oakie Hill and when I visit I am able to watch the news and catch up. I have “Inside Bay Area – Home” as a favorite and am able to keep up with the area daily….. I am very happy that the surgery went well.
Bill said,
November 8, 2007 at 12:55 pm
I like Dave Clark but am sorry to see Mark Curtis depart. Rather than let Mark go, they should have hired better script writers for the anchors, and found a traffic reporter that doesn’t spill coffee, has a better sense of humor and is more personable.
Michelle said,
November 8, 2007 at 6:09 pm
I heard Dave Clark’s voice (I listen to the news over the radio) and was immediately turned off. It’s rings with false drama, I hate HATE it! This is exactly the kind of crap that makes me cringe when I’m down south (ca) visiting family and I see the news anchors there.
Frank said,
November 9, 2007 at 5:59 am
Mark Curtis did a great job and was sincere and likeable rather than fake. Disappointing
that a guy who did the early morning grind for the company, which takes a huge toll on
those who do it, was not treated a little better. The new guy spews the fake melodrama
whether it is about a murder or a fender bender. (And please, anybody but Frank for 10
pm news after Dennis leaves – otherwise I’ll go to another channel).
J. Eck said,
November 9, 2007 at 9:40 pm
I’m sorry to hear that Mark Curtis was moved away from the front desk as well. I appreciate his pleasant personality and the very professional quality that he and Pam Cook bring to the morning team. I really enjoy the entire broadcast and am either watching or listening to it almost daily. I hope Mark is brought back to the desk again soon. I think he’d make an excellent 10:00 anchor if Dennis Richmond does retire down the road.
Susan said,
November 11, 2007 at 5:48 pm
Say what you’ve taken Mark Curtis off of the morning news? Well I’ll be darn when ya got something good ya don’t even know it. He was the best. I have to get up early in the a.m. to get ready for work and the first thing I use to do was turn on channel 2 news at 5am to get the news. Since you’ve decided to replace Mark I’m replacing channel 2 EVERYTHING. There are other channels to watch.
Mike said,
November 12, 2007 at 5:27 pm
I was just disappointed to see the news director made a BIG mistake. Mark Curtis and Pam
were a team and did an excellent job. Its sad to see a corporation allows temporay emploees make changes. Your news director does not see the long term value of quality of local team.
Dump Ross worthless
Donald P. said,
November 12, 2007 at 10:07 pm
Have watched MarK since he did his syndicated reports from Washington D.C. He has always been so sincere and personable. Big mistake taking him off the desk and only half heartedly pleased to see that he was retained as an in the field reporter. As I expressed my dissatisfaction to KTVU mgmt when Pam Cook missed time on the desk a year or two ago, I now threaten to leave my morning regimen with two”2″ and join another station. By the way, I thoroughly agree with the comments I read in this blog about the feeling of “false drama” with this new L.A. guy. And, immediately noticed his ad lib tendency along with his melodramatic use of hand gesture. Please bring back Mark and find another replacement for Dennis!
Aggie said,
November 13, 2007 at 10:30 am
Mark Curtis was the best, his sincerity and personal touch can never be replaced. He
should be brought back, it was a pleasure hearing the morning news, well not anymore!
I am sure you will loose alot of listeners just like me!
Peter said,
November 21, 2007 at 11:23 am
I for one am not sorry to see Mark go. He was an okay news reader, but Pam is much better than him. I didn’t really like his sense of humor, and he definitely came across as a know-it-all more often than not. Mind you, I am not doubting Mark’s talent or intelligence, I just didn’t like him or his delivery. Dave I’m not sure about yet – the “dramatics” comments seem to be correct, but he has already halted the little comments he was making while Pam would read a story. So perhaps he will tone it down to fit the Bay Area. My guess is that KTVU will have him fit their mold, rather than let him bring the plasticty of LA news up here!
Maria said,
November 29, 2007 at 7:09 pm
I am very disappointed to see that Mark Curtis is no longer on the monrning show. He brought a very genuine honest down to earth feel to his reporting. He was knowledgable around the Washington DC scene and I enjoyed his sharing of past experiences. I cannot t stand Dave’s reporting and feel that he is SOOO fake and “DJ” like. If I wanted someone to to do a DJ voice, I would go to a disco. He also tries way to hard to agree in the background and it is so distracting. Frank is enough drama for me let alone having another drama king. I will be tuning into a different channel in the morning because I want to watch reporters that I feel comfortable with. Pam is great and I love her! I cannot see her with Dave.
Herb said,
November 30, 2007 at 6:46 am
Maria says it all for me too.
I will miss Sal but I am off in search of another morning news program also as I find Dave’s delivery downright annoying. What is KTVU’s mind set these days? Talk about the perfect example of a talking head. Zero personality. I wish Mark all the best.
Sue said,
December 3, 2007 at 7:54 am
I also am very disappointed that Mark Curtis was taken off the morning news. I always watched early because of him and Pam. I always turned it when Frank and Tori came on
at 7:00. Mark always had a cheerful attitude and when neccessary could make you laugh.
I have turned the channel and will not watch KTVU news again.
If anyone should go it should be Sal Castanada, he can’t even read the script correctly, without making 2 or 3 blunders.
This time I think that the powers to be at KTVU made a big mistake and will lose more than they gain.
Vickie said,
December 4, 2007 at 10:03 am
I’ve been missing Mark in the mornings – thought he was on vacation or something more ominous so I thought I’d do a little search to see what was going on. I’m very disappointed to learn he is off the morning show. Mark and Pam have a natural and personable chemistry between them. Mark’s delivery was always very authentic to me – he is a person I feel can trust. You know he is real – a man with intelligence and experience. He has his family and hobbies and groups he supports, just like all the rest of us. I look at him as a valuable member of our community, who is doing an important job for us. I will miss that easy going, comfortable and likable connection every morning.
It was not a good decision to replace him as the morning show anchor.
Lisa said,
December 4, 2007 at 8:40 pm
I actually got through one day to management. What a bigger let down than Mark leaving. I’m not sure what is happening, but there really seems to be some BOZO running the show. I vowed with many friends to never tune in again for the morning news, and I’m sticking
to it. I bet they know the mistake they made by getting rid of him, but they won’t ever fess up to it. You watch, slowly but surely they will all drop off one by one. I now have to watch channel 4, and that is pretty painful. However, by next year channel 2 will be just as bad.
Bring back Curtis you fools.
Katie said,
December 4, 2007 at 9:12 pm
I was not sorry to see Mark go. Nothing against him personally. I don’t see the drama
in Dave Clark that others mention; I thought Mark overdramatized. I also didn’t care for,
as someone else mentioned, his know-it-all presentation. I know he’s a nice guy, but he
drove me nuts in the morning. So I am a happier morning viewer. Now, if we could
only do something about Frank in the afternoon….
susan said,
December 5, 2007 at 10:18 pm
My Mornings on Two are over. If I wanted to listen to a pompous, arrogant, overstuffed
ass, I’d get to work sooner. Dave Clark should be reading copy on the Real Houswives
of Orange County, not using his “Hollywood” voice to pass judgement about OUR
community. I miss Mark’s confidence, knowledge and “old shoe” fit into my early
morning life. I’m now watching KRON until 6:00 am when Court TV comes on.
Denise said,
December 7, 2007 at 9:58 am
I couldn’t take it anymore & have switched to NBC3 for the morning news. I will switch
back when Mark Curtis is brought back. Dave Clark was difficult to understand, way too
melodramatic, & his constant hand flayling was so distracting. Pam & Mark & Sal were a good
professional team. No one watching the news between 5 and 7 in the morning wants fluff, as is now being served up by the new So Cal anchor.
Donna said,
December 26, 2007 at 11:27 am
Is KTVU PR and programming NUTS? Mark Curtis and Pam or Mark Curtis and Tori worked..big time. Everyone at work, friends and family all tuned in while getting ready for work. Mark is not only the personality but had the ability to think on his feet when given the opportunity to ask live intelligent questions surrounding a story. He, Pam and Tori just seemed like the people you’d want to have coffee with. Nothing against whatever sold you on Dave Clark but an AM anchor he’s not.Dave is very 6pm robotic and serious. My finger’s changing the channel (click!)
Brian Lee said,
February 28, 2009 at 2:58 am
Dave Clark is so stiff and dull. Poor Tori Cambell, you can see her pain with him almost every day, Frank Somerville he’s not. There are so many brighter choices KTVU ycould put on after 7. Pam Cook for starters. Dave Clark is like a robot chicken.