“Heroes: Out of Time”
What in the world has happened to “Heroes”?
Yeah, I’m late jumping on the critic wagon wondering how such a good series could go so terribly wrong. Call me an optimist, but I kept thinking it would get better. Instead, I’m hoping the writers’ strike gives the scribes some time to rethink this entire season.
Tonight’s aptly named “Out of Time” did nothing to make me want to extend my stay in “Heroes” land.
First, the Irish adventure could not have gone worse. Maybe it was the whack Irish accents, or the lack of crackle between Peter and Caitlin, but tonight when they were split up I found myself cheering.
And Peter’s amnesia? I’m so over that. Then we have the baring Peter’s chest to the world at least once an episode. Nice the first time, but tonight just made me yawn.
Could there be less passion between Katie Carr as Caitlin and Milo Ventimiglia as Peter Petrelli? — NBC Photo: Chris Haston
Thank god the wonder twins didn’t pop up again. The black-eyed death has seeped through the fourth wall and into my living room, making me want to curl up and die every time I see them on the screen.
Claire Bear has become unbearable. Daddy, if you can kill and abduct people, then I can at least have a boyfriend. Oops. Sorry he killed you daddy, but gosh I need my independence. Claire Bear, and her twisted little boyfriend West, must go.
The whole Molly-Matt-Suresh triangle has turned into My Two Dads, the Twilight Zone edition. Suresh has lost his sex appeal through this little daddy adventure, and Matt’s just trying too darn hard. As for Molly, well, we won’t knock child actors but perhaps this wasn’t the most inspired casting.
Sendhil Ramamurthy as Mohinder Suresh, Adair Tishler as Molly, Greg Grunberg as Matt Parkman — NBC Photo: Chris Haston
And just when we think we’ve finally gotten rid of Kensei, he pops up as the mysterious Adam. Adam’s the guy we’re all supposed to fear, the one really going after the people in the Company. Apparently, Hiro’s little frolic with his princess has left this immortal spending centuries nursing a grudge.
David Anders as Kensei — NBC Photo: Justin Lubin
Lord, make it stop now.
How could this series go from my No. 1 pleasure to this?
Next week, we’ve got Kristen Bell back. As much as I hate to admit it, my Veronica Mars didn’t add the much need punch “Heroes” needed when she popped up the first time.
The episode goes back four months earlier to answer some questions. Nathan pays a terrible cost for his heroic actions. While Peter survives his detonation over New York City, the Company “bags” him as a threat to the world, eventually leading to violent confrontation with Elle (Kristen Bell) and the Haitian (Jimmy Jean-Louis). D.L. (Leonard Roberts) makes the ultimate sacrifice for Niki (Ali Larter) and Micah (Noah Gray-Cabey). Maya (Dania Ramirez) horrifically manifests her dark powers for the first time, driving her and Alejandro (Shalim Ortiz) to America for help. A mysterious, yet familiar face is introduced.
Scott Rittenburg said,
November 6, 2007 at 1:09 pm
Wow, did we watch the same show?? I think if you would have NOT waited to get on the band wagon so late you would find the show more compelling. Yes, writers do have their on and off moments, and yes the writers are dragging this story line out too long, but geez it aint all that bad. Certainly better than watching “I Love NY” or “Great Race”.
Susan said,
November 6, 2007 at 1:20 pm
Well sure, given those two options I’d go “Heroes.” But have you really been enjoying the whole Irish adventure? And I want Hiro back with us. I initially liked that part, but it went on for way too long. Let’s face it, I’m going to keep watching because by golly, once I’ve invested this much into a show, it’s hard to stop. I just think this is a real slump.